Somehow there is no good equivalent for “Goodwill” in German.
Love is too broad. Benevolence is too old-fashioned. So I stick with the English “Goodwill” and explain to you what it’s all about.
Goodwill is like beautiful, mindfully selected, padded gift wrap.
Especially in relationships with others, goodwill is essential.
Here’s an example:
A friend asks you if you could help her organize a surprise party.
You already know this about her.
She has lofty plans, ropes you in, and ultimately dumps everything on you.
You actually have time that day. But you don’t feel like it.
You decide NOT to help.
How do you tell her now?
With goodwill! Because packaged with goodwill, it is well received.
Goodwill ensures that you view all parties involved with benevolence (yes, now it has crept in anyway). You allow yourself to say no. That’s okay!
You also admit to her that she can ask you. (And the fact that she ultimately dumps the work on you may be a pattern from which she cannot (yet) break out. This is accepted, but not condemned.) You also admit to her that she can ask you. (And the fact that she ultimately dumps the work on you may be a pattern from which she cannot (yet) break out. This is accepted, but not condemned.)
So your reaction to her request is not offended or indignant:
(“How can she put me in such a situation!”)
or with feelings of guilt
(“I feel so bad when I say no”)
But with goodwill. Or good will.
If you always let this inner attitude resonate in your relationships, then little can go wrong. Because your counterpart senses what you are thinking. Then the words become secondary.
With goodwill, you can then explain with a loving smile on your lips that you would be happy to help her next time. And that you think it’s great that she’s hosting such a party.
You allow your environment to ask or say what they want.
That’s okay.
And YOU admit to accept or reject. That’s okay too.
And your reaction to it may be handed over, wrapped in goodwill.
How would you like to react with GOODWILL in the future when someone in your environment says or does something that normally annoys, hurts or outrages you? How could you react to it with goodwill?
But be careful, it could change your life…😉