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Here you can register on the waiting list for a workshop in which you will learn how to get rid of your stress.

- Learn in an instant how to calm down and be able to think straight again
- Family gatherings, tough workmates or a stressful daily routine? You´ll be able to handle it
- You can use it as preparation for the day or when you fell stressed
- Through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) you´ll discover how to navigate your emotions with understanding and care
- With this workshop you´ll have a tool on hand you can use anytime, anywhere
- It’s EASY! And highly EFFECTIVE!!
- We´ll meet in a group setting on hour one week and another hour the week after to discuss the effects you´ve experienced
- I’ll show you how to use EFT specifically designed for your needs regarding stressful situations
- Just sit back, relax and follow along in fron of your PC
Register for the workshop here
Subscribe here to receive workshop-relevant information by email. Your WhatsApp number will be needed for creating a group chat in which we will determine the date of the workshop and where you can exchange experiences and information with the other participants and me.
Notice: You can unsubscribe from the workshop waiting list at any time and free of charge. Your data will only be used to send information relevant to the workshop. We do not pass on your data, but the other participants will be able to see personal data like your phone number through the WhatsApp group chat. You can find more information about handling user data in our Privacy Policy.
With * marked fields have to be filled out.